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Showing posts from May, 2013

Checkbox inside GridView like Gmail

Checkbox inside GridView like Gmail Even Users want to Check all of the Gridview CheckBox Column for some desired task like Delete, Select Records in GridView. In this Article I am going to describe CheckBox inside Gridview and functionality to check all checkbox in Gridview like Gmail. I am using JavaScript to Check/UnCheck all CheckBox in GridView. I am using a sample example of Employee Record in Grid to delete the records. There is a table Employee which I have used in the sample code. Create Table Employee ( Emp_ID int identity (1,1), Emp_Name varchar (50), Salary money ) ASPX CODE <script type= "text/javascript" > function SelectAllCheckboxes(chk) { if (chk.type== "checkbox" ) var a=chk; State=a.checked; elm=a.form.elements; for (i=0;i<elm.length;i++) if (elm[i].type== "checkbox" ) { if (elm[i].checked!=State) elm[i].click(); else if (elm[i...

select multiple rows with checkboxes like GMAIL Example 1

Are you looking for shift-select multiple checkboxes like GMail? solution: This thing can be done by jquery. see the following example <html> <head> </head> <body> <input type="checkbox" id="id_chk1" class="chkbox" value="1" />Check 1<br/> <input type="checkbox" id="id_chk2" class="chkbox" value="2" />Check 2<br/> <input type="checkbox" id="id_chk3" class="chkbox" value="3" />Check 3<br/> <input type="checkbox" id="id_chk4" class="chkbox" value="4" />Check 4<br/> <input type="checkbox" id="id_chk5" class="chkbox" value="5" />Check 5<br/> <input type="checkbox" id="id_chk6" class="chkbox" value="6" />Check 6<br/> ...

(Solved) Failure sending mail in Godaddy Server

(Solved) Failure sending mail in Godaddy Server I know that this is an old thread.  At the same time, I worked on this problem for two weeks.  I wish that I had the final answer a couple of weeks ago! If you have shared hosting at, you need to use these credentials WHILE your are developing your application: In the namespaces you have to add using System.Net.Mail; or if you are not using any .cs file the you can insert namespace as <% @ Import Namespace ="System.Net.Mail" %> //for mail(from,to,subject,message) MailMessage msg = new MailMessage("", " ", "hello" , "your message"); SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient (); smtp . Host = "" ; // Only works locally (development time) smtp . EnableSsl = false ; smtp . UseDefaultCredentials = false ; smtp . Credentials = new System . Net . NetworkCredential ( "...