Checkbox inside GridView like Gmail Even Users want to Check all of the Gridview CheckBox Column for some desired task like Delete, Select Records in GridView. In this Article I am going to describe CheckBox inside Gridview and functionality to check all checkbox in Gridview like Gmail. I am using JavaScript to Check/UnCheck all CheckBox in GridView. I am using a sample example of Employee Record in Grid to delete the records. There is a table Employee which I have used in the sample code. Create Table Employee ( Emp_ID int identity (1,1), Emp_Name varchar (50), Salary money ) ASPX CODE <script type= "text/javascript" > function SelectAllCheckboxes(chk) { if (chk.type== "checkbox" ) var a=chk; State=a.checked; elm=a.form.elements; for (i=0;i<elm.length;i++) if (elm[i].type== "checkbox" ) { if (elm[i].checked!=State) elm[i].click(); else if (elm[i...
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